If you have been following my blog for a while you may remember a post from Thanksgiving 2008 titled Thankful. (If not, go back and read it.) It chronicled the addition to my parents' house that, at that time, was under construction, and how this is a picture of God's activity in our lives. We went back to visit my folks recently and the room is completed and really nice. The door is no longer there...replaced by a wider hallway with some great storage cabinets on one side.
On November 9, 2008 I led worship for the final time at Two Rivers Baptist Church where I had served as the Associate Minister of Music & Worship for 3 1/2 years and where our family had been members since 1996. My job there was eliminated due to financial strains. This was the context of my original Thankful post. God had clearly brought one season to an end and had not revealed what our next assignment would be.
For about 4 months the LORD literally led us week to week where He would have us worship. We went to big churches, small churches, lively churches, subdued churches, churches in different areas of town, churches with totally different ministry objectives and philosophies--but wherever we went, we experienced God. Some places we had to look for Him a little harder, but He led us and He spoke to us week in and week out as we explored what He was up to within His people in the Nashville area. This was the beginning of His healing process in us. Although God had done amazing things during our years at TRBC, we had been wounded in unexplainable ways.
This process of healing continued as we began to get invitations to lead worship on the road. We spent March and April traveling and leading worship and were busier than we ever were during our 7 years of traveling ministry. Everywhere we went, we were encouraged by Godly leaders. This may be hard to hear, but because of our wounds, we had become very cynical and God knew we needed to see Him at work in pastors (younger and older and in-between) who were chasing after His heart and leading their people to do the same. Week after week we were moved to see God's heart on display in these men of God and I thank God so much for it! He knew what we needed.
About halfway through this traveling season, I received a call from the pastor of Trinity Baptist Church in Southaven, MS, Chad Everson. As we talked on the phone, a common view of God and His church and what we are to be about as we gather to worship quickly surfaced. I hung up the phone greatly encouraged and energized. He invited Suzanne and I to come lead worship for several weeks during May. We entered into a time of seeking the Lord as to whether or not this might be a more long-term assignment. As we prayed and after we had been there and led worship once and visited much more with Brother Chad and his family, the LORD took Suzanne and I to Exodus 3-4. This is where Moses and God are arguing about him going to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. You'll have to read it all to get the passion, but it comes down to God saying this:
"Now therefore go, and I will be with your mouth and teach you what you shall say." - Exodus 4:12(ESV)
With that, we said, "OK God. We hear you." We had already seen Him at work as we had talked with Chad and visited with his family and as we had worshiped with the family of faith at Trinity, so this was simply God providing a promise for us to stand on.
So if you haven't figured it out, we're moving to Southaven, MS. The church officially called me to be their Worship Pastor last Sunday evening, June 7, just a few days shy of 7 full months since our last week at TRBC. In Hebrew culture, the number 7 represents completion or perfection and the number 8 represents new beginnings. God has completed much in these past months and we are confident that He will do great things in the days ahead. We are already getting to know and love the body of Christ that is Trinity Baptist Church and we are treasuring the eternal friendships that God has given us during our years in Nashville. I am thankful...again...for God's activity behind the door of this new assignment even before we had any idea where He was leading. (Philippians 1:6)
Thanking God,
[Suzanne and I and the boys ask that you pray specifically that God would lead us (quickly) to the house He has for us to live in in Southaven and that He would bring THE buyer for our house in Nashville.]
Husband, Make Her Shine
4 hours ago