This past weekend we (at Trinity BC) hosted David Miller in a "2-day revival." I put that in lowercase because only God brings Revival, with a capital letter. It is a sovereign move of God that rearranges priorities, sets affections aflame for God's glory in Christ, and returns God's people to His agenda. Although I did not witness a dramatic and outwardly visible Revival of this type, God used Brother David to remind us of God's goodness and sovereignty and to point us to God-focused repentance. As our pastor has said more than once, this repentance is not an event, but a lifestyle. It is exciting to sense God stirring us and wooing us into this lifestyle.
"Therefore repent and return, so that your sins may be wiped away, in order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord;" - Acts 3:19(NASB)
This repentance, if we embrace it, can be the beginning of Revival. I pray that it will be. I came across an amazing quote today called The Result Of Revival. It made my heart soar and I respond to it with a hearty "amen!"
"What happens in a Christian church when a fresh and vital working of the Spirit of God brings revival?
In my study and observations, a revival generally results in a sudden bestowment of a spirit of worship. This is not the result of engineering or of manipulation. It is something God bestows on people hungering and thirsting for Him. With spiritual renewing will come a blessed spirit of loving worship.
These believers worship gladly because they have a high view of God. In some circles, God has been abridged, reduced, modified, edited, changed and amended until He is no longer the God whom Isaiah saw, high and lifted up. Because He has been reduced in the minds of so many people, we no longer have that boundless confidence in His character that we used to have." (A.W. Tozer, Whatever Happened To Worship, 86)
God, help us to see You as You really are and worship You as You desire to be worshiped. By Your kindness, lead us to repentance (Romans 2:4) and revive Your Bride and make her beautiful with Your glory!
Husband, Make Her Shine
11 hours ago
Yay, you blogged! Because of His grace to me, I love to worship in song and music at church, but let's not forget that we can worship at any time - whether in song or dance or shouting or prayer or studying His Word or serving! Nothing like using my whole day to worship in one way or another. "Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people." Col 3:23
Love you guys, Jon!!
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