Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Joshua...Not Hoshea

I have a divine connection to the Joshua of the Bible. A few years ago, the Lord took me through an intense season where He revealed to me who He says I am. It was through that process that He forever connected me to Joshua. (For the whole story, check out my initial post.) So due to this connection, whenever I come across something on Joshua, my ears perk up. That's what happened tonight.

We have a little devotional book by Beth Moore called Believing God Day By Day and today's reading tells about God's purpose in changing Hoshea's name to Joshua. It hit home for me. Check it out.

"These were the names of the men Moses sent to scout out the land, and Moses renamed Hoshea son of Nun, Joshua." - Numbers 13:16 (HCSB)

"We may not know exactly when Joshua received his new name from Moses, but we don't have to be biblical scholars to reason why he might have needed one. In essence, his original name Hoshea means 'deliverer,' while his new name Joshua (or Jehoshua) means 'Jehovah delivers.'

If I were flesh and blood chosen by God to lead a grasshopper people into a land of giant opposition, I'd want to know He was the true Deliverer, not me.

I'd like to suggest that Joshua not only needed to know who he was, he needed to know who he wasn't. He wasn't God. Not a bad lesson for any of us to learn." - Believing God Day By Day, Beth Moore, February 11

Learning the lesson,


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